Faber Business Game Challenge And Hackathon Adventure has been won by Turkey Team

Faber Business Game Challenge And Hackathon Adventure has been won by Turkey Team

Faber organized a Business Game Challenge and Hackathon Adventure for young talents
in 7 countries (Turkey, Italy, France, Russia, Mexico, India and Sweden) and 7 Faber National Teams were created to participate. The teams challenged each other in the Hackathon and the final stage was played by the Italian team against the winner Turkish team!

Faber Business Game Challenge And Hackathon Adventure

Faber Business Game about Hoods and Hobs Competitors

At the beginning of Faber Business Game Challenge, when we saw the e-mail from Human Resources that tells us we are part of this team, it was really surprising and exciting for us. Because, it was the first time in this kind of challenge for each of us.
We were honoured to be a part of this team and organisation. After the details were explained, it got more excited for us. Because it was totally different from our daily works, therefore it was really beneficial for us.

Business Game Challenge phase looked a little complicated at first. Concept was not familiar. We questioned each decision we made. But after the first round was resulted, we saw that we followed a right way. Our key point in Business Game Challenge was analysing our competitors.
We also solved the problems by finding a common ground although we have different approaches. Finding a common ground while arguing was important and the harmony between us lasted until the end of the game.

In the end of the Business Game Challenge, there were new perspectives that we gained. Most importantly, we found out ability of strategical thinking is one of the essentials when you are in business world. Besides, we learned that we need to take risks to succeed.

Faber Hackathon


Hackathon was totally different from Business Game Challenge. There were no restrictions about our choices. There was no clue about what our competitor did. We needed to generate an innovative idea with in a really short time. Therefore it was the day which we consumed the most coffee so far to survive.

It was beautiful experience and opportunity for us to present our ideas to all management board on the final day. Probably it was also most excited day of the whole game challenge. Of course after intense, exciting and stressful two days, relaxing news came with the announcement of the final result. It is really pleasing to see ourselves as the winners of the Hackathon.

Additionally there are two points that we can’t pass without thanking to.
Thanks to Lucia Corrieri for well-planned organisation and thanks to the jury for their positive approach to us.

From beginning till the end, we learned so much about business world, strategical thinking and idea development. As well as it was beneficial for us, we hope that also we gave our contributions to Faber about what is expected from Hackathon.

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